Finding the Source of Your Fear

Any problem cannot be resolved unless you get to the source of the problem. The same is the case with your fears. If you are serious about getting rid of those fears and leading a life free of fears, you have to take care of this step before you proceed any further.

Why is finding the source of your fear important? Identifying your trigger points will help you manage, eliminate, or combat them. Regardless of the type of fear you have, there is always a source that triggers it. Hence, you can take the time to list down your fears and their level of intensity. Then, take note of environmental, emotional, or other factors that could trigger that fear. This will help you trace the sources. Aside from external triggers, make sure that you also consider the internal triggers. Was there something in your past that created this emotional response? It is as simple as asking yourself, “Why am I afraid?”

Another important reason why finding the source of your fear is essential is that it enables you to assess whether it is something that you can manage and control on your own or whether you need professional help.

Getting Started

If you want more success in overcoming your fears, you need to take the initiative to get proper help for whatever fears or anxieties that consume you. 

Here are tips to get you started on the right track:

• Remain positive. Fears that produce negative impacts are also triggered by negative thoughts and outlooks in life. Therefore, you must try to brush aside those negative ideas from your mind and prevent yourself from feeling depressed.

• Communicate with your internal self. No better person knows about your fears than you do. So, create awareness about your fears by identifying them and breaking them down into more manageable parts.

• Assess your fears. Some fears are irrational and often take place in the mind of the person instead of actual reality.

Overcoming Your Fears

The importance of learning how to overcome your fears is rather obvious. No one wants to live their life in constant worry or fear, no matter how intense it may be. An anxiety-free life provides more growth opportunities and liberates you.

Here are basic techniques that you can try if you want to find relief from your fears or eliminate them:


*Gather facts

*Get professional help


Take time each day to find a place where you can be isolated and be able to concentrate. Your objective is to transport yourself in a low-stress situation wherein you have control over your fear, instead of the other way around. Imagine your fear as a concrete object that you destroy. You will never realize how it can calm you down.

Gather Facts

Most fears are caused by the unknown or people’s inability to have control over a given situation. When you are suffering from certain types of fear, you need to look into the reality of the situation and gather the information that you can. The more facts you have in hand, the less you become stressed about your situation because you always know you can manage it.

Professional Help

If you are one of those people who are too afraid to perform self-talk or confront their fears head-on, then it is best to seek professional help. They will start by assessing your fears and then suggest techniques that you can employ to combat those fears. Overcoming fears is often a long process, so don’t expect to get rid of them (if you have many) at once.